About Our Tournaments

The first Fast Pitch Classic tournament was played in July, 1995, at Rolf Park in Maumee.  The PreSeason Classic was created the following year.  The Independence Classic was added in 1999.  For 30 years, this series of tournaments has attracted top teams from across the Midwest and Canada.  Built on the foundation of strong competition, good sportsmanship, quality facilities and fun, these events draw up to 250 teams to the greater Toledo area every summer.

We are committed to working closely with managers, players and families to provide a seamless and enjoyable tournament experience.  Browse our website to learn about tournament-related events, lodging options and other activities to make the most of your tournament weekend.  We’re confident you will enjoy all the resources the greater Toledo area offers while  you are here.  In fact, consider extending your tournament weekend an extra day or two.  Click on the travel tab for an extensive list of dining, recreation, cultural and shopping options to choose from.

Visit this site and our Facebook page often for the latest news, information and results.  Thank you for stopping by and please email fastpitchclassic@gmail.com if you have questions.

Best in softball….Kailyn Bates and Kim Bryson, Tournament Directors.



Dick's Sporting Goods and BatClubUSA.com are sponsors of the Fast Pitch Classic Softball Tournaments.